
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Hulk Hogan - I Wanna Be Donald Trump’s Running Mate

 Two interesting comments from Hulk Hogan — he’s NOT mad with the WWE for cutting ties with him over the N-word … and says he wants to make America great again, by running with Donald Trump!!!!

First, the WWE thing … it’s been more than a month since Vince McMahon wiped all traces of Hogan from the website after reports surfaced that he used the N-word in a racial rant years ago.

Even after several black wrestlers and celebs vouched for Hulk — saying he’s not a racist at heart — Vince has refused to bring him back into the WWE universe.

So, how does Hogan feel about being blackballed? Check out the clip … he views the situation more as a temporary “family” conflict and joked that the only “hard feelings” he’s going to have is “when I get [Vince McMahon] in the ring again.”

As for the Trump comments … Hulk says he thinks the country is finally ready for Vice President Hogan, brother.

Source: TMZ

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Taking the shine off computer-based test

 COMPUTER-BASED Testing (CBT), also known as Computer-Based Assessment (CBA); e-assessment, computerised testing and computer-administered testing, is a method of administering tests in which the responses are electronically recorded, assessed, or both.

Historically, the use of computer sets in administering examination came into being in the 1970s. And in the following decade, a good number of examining/credentialing bodies in the developed world began using computer-based testing for certification examinations.

According to experts, as time went by, computer-based testing began affecting virtually every aspect of examination administration as well as that of test development, as through the use of CBT technology, a wide array of content can be assessed efficiently and economically.

In Nigeria a couple of years back, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), spearheaded the introduction of computer-based examination mode into the country.

The body, after a couple of dry runs last year, abandoned the Pencil-and-Paper Test, and went full blast with the CBT. During the full implementation of the CBT mode in March, a cocktail of challenges, including server failures, power fluctuation, system malfunction among others nearly took the shine off the exercise.

All that notwithstanding, JAMB after the exercise scored itself quite high, and insisted that whatever challenges were noticed would be sorted out before the next edition.

During the last National Examination Council (NECO)-organised National Common Entrance Examination, Chairman of NECO Governing Board, Dr. Paddy Njoku, had informed that plans were in the final stages for the commencement of CBT in subsequent NECO-administered examinations.

WAEC not keeping CBT in view For now, the West African Examination Council (WAEC) is not bothered by what it stands to lose by not embracing the CBT. That explains why the body is not considering adopting that mode of examination.

According to its Head of National Office, Mr. Charles Eguridu, it would amount to “intellectual dishonesty’’ for him to say that the council would introduce CBT in the next five years or the near future.

Eguridu, who explained that the purpose of education was to prepare people for life, and not simply to excel in examinations, stressed the need to examine different human domains, an exercise he noted CBT does not have the capacity to effectively execute. “There is what we call the cognitive domain; that is what you have learnt that you can put in your head.

There is also what we call affective domain that has to do with your emotions. There is also what we call the psychomotor domain, that is skills, which you can express using your hands and your body. “I am yet to see any education expert who will tell you that you can measure the psychomotor domain using CBT.

Any test that will use computer to evaluate who will be a good carpenter cannot be a valid test,” Eguridu declared. Shedding more light on some of its flagship examinations, including the West African Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE), the HNO said WAEC-organised examinations took into account, the three domains that measured ability to recall, apply and practicalise.

He further explained that in psychomotor domain, candidates did practical tests in agricultural science in the farm and the examiner supervised their actual agricultural practice.

Those doing woodwork, he said, were made to carry out physical designs of whatever assignment they were going to do. They were, thereafter evaluated on the outcome of their work.

The WAEC chieftain, who pointed out that even Netherlands, where Nigerian officials learnt CBT application from, has not been able to migrate 40 per cent of its examination to CBT, further questioned the availability of highly essential infrastructures that would aid in the seamless execution of that mode of examination. “In Netherlands which our people emulate in CBT, they have not been able to migrate 40 per cent of their examination.

How many schools in Nigeria have hardware? How many schools in Nigeria have the facilities to have those computers? There is the additional problem of electricity and Internet connectivity.

On claims that CBT has the capacity to annihilate different shades of examination malpractices, Eguridu said that WAEC was using specialised gadgets in detecting examination malpractices as the device have the ability to transmit any irregularity to its database in Lagos.

Develop appropriate infrastructure before upping the ante Franklin Usoh, a parent is in sync with WAEC’s position regarding CBT’s being incapable of examining the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of individuals.

As a matter of fact, he thinks that that mode of examination is capable of promoting rote learning, as students are not allowed the latitude to express their understanding of issues in details.

Beyond this, he said most students in the rural areas, who, for no fault of theirs, are not exposed to basic knowledge of the workings of a computer set quite early in their educational sojourns, would be in a disadvantaged position when placed side-by-side with their privileged peers in metropolitan areas, who are familiar with ICT.

He urged policy makers to put in place supporting facilities before railroading students to embark on that journey, because every student must be sufficiently prepared by all concerned, before CBT is fully embraced.

Head of School, Omolola International School, Sango- Otta, Toyin Emehelu, also thinks the country is not appropriately prepared for CBT because of a lot of constraining factors. “I think for now we are not ready for the CBT.

It obviously is one of the biggest innovations in education in modern times, but assessing the position of the industry in the country now leaves one with an opinion that we are not ripe for it.”

Emehelu, who is chief executive of Coreskills Developmental Services continued, “There are still a lot of cities in the country with very low computer literacy and Internet penetration.

These are the key elements that will drive the execution of CBT. This readily poses an uphill task for the implementation of this initiative. I think there are still much to be done in upgrading our literacy standard with special emphasis on ICT from the elementary level before embarking on the CBT, and hoping for a desirable result. She continued, “The education industry has lost a lot of developmental years due to rot and lack of innovation in our policies.

This has extended implication on the infrastructures; which makes us ill prepared for modern innovations like the CBT. Hence jumping into the process to provide such services at the expense of putting the right environment in place will only hurt the system the more.

There is no quick fix. On when it may be right for the process to begin, she said, “It is not about a specific date, it is about when we are ready to address fundamental issues in the industry.
Dr.Charles Eguridu

The CBT will come naturally when its time is ripe. CBT as JAMB’s cure-all-drug for examination challenges, others While defending JAMB’s decision to be the first examination body to adopt the CBT, its Registrar/Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Professor Dibu Ojerinde, had spoke at great length in the wake of the first wholly CBT it organised. “The CBT is a creation of the board’s desire to transform our educational system starting from the conduct of public examination.

This system was thought out, as the only way for now, that can address the challenges of examination malpractice, such as impersonation and other ills associated with public examination,” the president of the International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA) stated.

He continued, “Another reason is that with CBT our school will be forced to follow our school curriculum as it affects information technology. And above all, the board opted for CBT so as to ensure global best practice in the conduct of examination.

This is what is right and being done globally. “Again, the only constant thing in life is change, and positive change. It is either we change with the world, especially now that there is a global technological transformation and advancement, or we will be left behind. We in JAMB cannot afford to be left behind,” Ojerinde, who is first Nigerian professor of Tests and Measurement stated.

Not to be bowled over with the argument that the CBT’s introduction would negatively affect most candidates since the idea of using computer test for their routine examination was alien to them, the pioneer director, Monitoring and Evaluation, National Primary Education Commission (NPEC), defended the novel step thus: “What is a computer? It’s a device that performs complex and specific tasks with accuracy and speed.

The phones we use are mini computers and every body uses them with minimal instruction. “Those who feared CBT do so because they do not know how the CBT works.

Most candidates, at the end of the examination, confessed that the CBT is the best examination mode. In fact, the CBT rather enhances candidates’ performance and makes them more serious and focused during the conduct of the examination, as they all know that it is no longer business as usual.

To use the computer to write the board examination is so simple, easy and user friendly, that you do not have to be a computer guru to be able to use the computer to write the examination.

The process is so simplified that candidates can successfully write their three hours examination using the four arrow keys and the alphabets A, B, C and D keys on the keyboard.

They can use the four arrow keys to navigate up, down, left and right. They can punch on any of the four alphabets to select their answers. It is as simple as that. “Our experience from the conduct of CBT since 2013 indicated that only few candidates call for assistance during examination after the initial tutor before the examination begins.

Success in the examination is a function of the preparedness of the candidate and not the ability to use the computer. “So there is no need for parent, guardian and concerned Nigerians to fear.

The introduction of the CBT is for the development of the Nigerian child and the betterment of all Nigerians desirous of improvement in the Nigerian educational standard.

And at the end, it’s a win-win for the Board, the candidates, parents and the Nigerian education. Don’t forget it’s a selection examination so everybody is expected to work hard. “The CBT is a growing baby, we will all continue to groom, nurture and improve on it.

By next year it will be better than this year’s. The CBT process is very sustainable; all that is needed is the collaboration and positive contribution of every Nigerian. Let me tell you, if it were not sustainable, the board would not have embarked on it in the first place because its sustainability has great impact on the Nigerian child desirous of tertiary education.

Source: ngrguardiannews

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Two Clients Commit Suicides Over Ashley Madison Hack

 Two Ashley Madison clients are reported to have taken their lives after hackers published their details according to police in Canada. 

The police have just held a news conference about the Ashley Madison investigation at Toronto Police Headquarters.

“Today I can confirm that Avid Life Media is offering a $500,000 (£241,065) reward to anyone providing information that leads to the identification, arrest and prosecution of the person or persons responsible for the leak of the Ashley Madison database,” said acting staff superintendent Bryce Evans.

Mr Evans detailed the development of the hack, from the moment on 12 July when Avid Life Media employees logged in to their computers and were confronted by a message from the hackers, known as The Impact Team.

The message was accompanied by music – AC/DC’s “Thunderstruck”, said Mr Evans.

“This hack is one of the largest data breaches in the world and is very unique on its own in that it exposed tens of millions of people’s personal information,” he added.

Ghana - Unemployed Graduate Defies Security; Presents Application, CV To First Lady

A 25 year old native of Kofiase, near Asante Mampong, on Friday broke security protocol to present his application letter and curriculum vitae to First Lady, Lordina Mahama.

Solomon Adu Kwaakye took advantage of Mrs. Mahama’s launch of a campaign for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission to make a case to end his joblessness.

The University of Development Studies graduate in Environmental Science told journalists he has written 30 applications without response since he completed school two years ago.

He said his aged parents who are farmers can no longer cater for him and his other siblings.

Adu Kwaakye said he squeezed money from his father to prepare his letter and CV when he heard the First Lady was visiting Asante Mampong.

Apple Recalls Some iPhone 6 Plus Models Over Faulty Cameras

 Apple Inc is recalling a limited number iPhone 6 Plus phones due to faulty back cameras that take blurry photos.

The affected phones were mostly sold in a 4-month period between September 2014 and January 2015, Apple said on its website.

The company, whose shares were set to open at their lowest this year on Monday, said a small component in the affected 6 Plus’s iSight back camera may fail.

Apple said it would replace the phone’s camera free of charge if it takes blurry photos and falls into a particular serial number range.

Eligible serial numbers can be checked on Apple’s website.

Sonnie Badu - African Most Valuable And Wealthiest Gospel Artist

 Sonnie Agyemang Badu, UK-based International gospel musician keeps making Ghana proud with his songs and his ministry. For a man who has filled the stadium twice with a gathering of God loving people to worship God, he keeps projecting the name of Ghana high.

Sonnie, who is known for having rains pour down before each concert has still kept his promise to God to sing and serve him for the rest of his life. For this promise, God has also not turned his back on him and continuous to bless him. In this piece I share credible proof that he is indeed the most valuable African Gospel Artiste of all times and also one of the wealthiest African Gospel Musician of all times.

It is a well known fact that Sonnie aside singing “Baba” is a top business man. From a real estate developer, owner of a day care centre to being an owner of a clothing line, he started off as an author of two bestselling books and now has two more books to his credits yet to be released with a daily devotional in addition.

Due to his promise to God to serve him with his voice, God has blessed him such that he sings in several dialects. Sonnie applauds the Nigerian community for supporting his ministry and hopes his mother country Ghana would also do so.

In Ghana many regard him as expensive but I dare say he is worth the money that is paid. Sonnie, is gradually gearing to become one of the most expensive gospel artiste in the world and not Africa alone. His “Africa Worships concerts have visited many European countries from the United States, Surinam, Canada and African countries like Kenya.

Sonnie Badu started off his career with one clothing line and now he has added a chain of other clothing lines. The latest addition is the baby clothing line under the registered name Lala clothing line. In addition to the above, Sonnie, who is currently studying for a degree and masters in music recently added the Sonnie Badu Music Academy to his chain of businesses. Like he says, “God gives us many talents, and wisdom on earth, so as a gospel artiste there is the need to find your path and add to your music career”.

The Badu brand of clothing, books, music sells the entire world over. To get a copy one just needs a click on with a credit card. In November last year, Sonnie self-financed his yet to be released album which was live recorded with three great American gospel artistes; these are  Darwin Hobbs, Dee Jones and Darwin Hobbs. The total project which cost $335,000 was recorded by award winning sound engineer Danny Donkin, he is the sound engineer behind Israel Houghton, Cece Winnans and Marvin Sapp.

Sonnie’s achievement earned him a spot in American Gospel artiste, Jonathan Nelson’s new album. Jonathan Nelson took to Instagram handle to announce to his fans that Minister Sonnie Badu was the only African musician to feature on the live recording of his new album. The live recording of the album dubbed “fearless” featured top American gospel giants; Kim Burrell, Tye Tribett and Dorinda Clark-Cole. At the recording of Jonathan’s album, Sonnie’s hit song “Baba” was live recorded on Jonathan’s “Fearless” album.

This endorsement by Jonathan adds up to the several that Sonnie has received from the many who have sang “Baba”. Several videos on YouTube show many choirs the world over, both Africans and Europeans in the United States, endorsing the “Baba” song. The latest endorsement of the “Baba” song is by Prophet Brian Carn, a reknown prophet who preaches with Benny Hinn. Prophet Carn in this video is seen singing “Baba”.

Now if this is not the blessing of God, what then could this be?

Talk of social media and Sonnie is in touch with fans on social media. From interacting with fans and updating them on his various programmes he is well rated on social media. The International Act is well rated high on You Tube and ITunes, where he is paid for views and sale of his songs. His followership on social media has earned him the title of a mentor to some young men on social media. Currently he is mentoring, Chris winner of Vodafone Icons. Sonnie Badu owes the right to all his songs and for an African, precisely a Ghanaian musician to be making it in the United Kingdom, obviously there is no doubt that he is blessed by God.

A chat with Sonnie about his ministry would not be complete without the testimonies of many who have received healing. He is a singer, minister, preacher and all the other names you could call him. The underlying factor is that testimonies of healing during his services abound. Testimonies of healing from Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis and many others abound. So after all said and done, I conclude by saying Sonnie Badu is expensive as an artiste but he sure is worth every penny for one’s money.

By Gameli Hamelo/LivefmGhana

Google Named Next Version Of Android ‘Marshmallow’

Google shared some sweet news on Monday: The next version of its mobile operating system will be called Android Marshmallow.

As you may or may not know, nearly every version of Android has been named after a candy or dessert in alphabetical order, starting with the letter “c.” (The first two versions were just called Alpha and Beta.)

“Some people think they’re dessert-themed, but it’s really technically tasty treats,” Hiroshi Lockheimer, Android’s vice president of engineering, said in a behind the scenes video.

The Marshmallow announcement is a bit surprising to Android insiders, who widely believed the next version would be called “Macadamia Nut Cookie.” But Google has thrown Android-naming curveballs before. In 2013, two versions of Android ago, Google assigned the name “Kit Kat,” when everyone thought “Key Lime Pie” was a done-deal. In an effort to do something “fun and unexpected,” Google struck a last-minute deal with Nestle.

“A lot of people throw in their ideas — internally as well as externally,” said Lockheimer. A French pastry association even sent Google a treat for naming consideration — a kouglof — for Android K.

Developers got a first look at the new operating system back in May, during Google’s I/O conference. Google gave the final version of Android Marshmallow to developers on Monday, and it will launch to the public in the fall.

Android Marshmallow focuses on subtle improvements to the user experience, including squashing a ton of bugs and overhauling basic features. The biggest addition is Android Pay, Google’s (GOOGL, Tech30) latest take on mobile payments. It’s pretty similar to Apple (AAPL, Tech30) Pay, and a big improvement over Google Wallet, the companies earlier attempt at a mobile wallet.

Other Android M improvements include a new permissions tool that gives users more control over what data they share with apps. There are battery saving features, in Marshmallow, as well as a new tool that lets you open Chrome browser tabs directly inside apps instead of asking users to choose between Chrome and an app.

Here’s a look back at all of Android’s sugary names:

  •     Cupcake
  •     Donut
  •     Éclair
  •     Froyo
  •     Gingerbread
  •     Honeycomb
  •     Ice Cream Sandwich
  •     Jelly Bean
  •     Kit Kat
  •     Lollipop
  •     …and now, we have Marshmallow.

Drake And Serena Williams Dating, Couple Enjoy Romantic Dinner

 Drake and Serena Williams are officially a couple. The pair was spotted enjoying a romantic dinner while kissing each other at Cincinnati Italian trattoria Sotto restaurant on Sunday night.

TMZ Sports published the photos on Monday morning showing the pair all over each other in a private section of the eatery before being joined by a couple friends.

 Their romantic date came mere hours after Drake was spotted in the crowd while Serena was dominating the WTA tournament in the Cincinnati. Seems like all eyes were on the couple while they were making out and pouring down shots of tequila.
The two have been linked to each other for months now but this is the first concrete proof that they are an item.

 Drake can now take his mind off that old beef with Meek Mill, especially since the Philly rapper has already accepted defeat.

So Drizzy is winning on all angles.


Usain Bolt: The Secret Behind The World’s Fastest Man

 The United States’ population might be 100 times the size of Jamaica’s, but when it comes to the development of sprint talent the Caribbean island is in a league of its own.

Of the 12 sprint gold medals on offer at the last two Olympic Games — in the 100 meters, 200m and 4x100m — Jamaica’s men and women won nine, plus five silvers, while they performed a clean sweep of titles at the last World Athletics Championships in Moscow two years ago.

It’s an astonishing haul and, on the eve of the 2015 worlds in Beijing, last Saturday, the question was: Who can stop Jamaica?

For Usain Bolt, a triple gold medalist at the past two Olympic Games and the 2013 world championships, the explanation for his nation’s hegemony is simple.

“The level of the sport in this country is so high in track and field as we’re pushing to be great,” the world’s fastest man told CNN Sport.

“To just make the trials in Jamaica you have to run 9.9 seconds at least. You push yourself so hard to be the best as the competition level is just so high.”

However given Jamaica’s population is three million compared to the 300 million of the U.S., Bolt’s explanation doesn’t quite tell the whole story.

‘The Champs’

 It’s a story that begins at the national schools’ championship — better known as “The Champs,” an event watched by as many as 30,000 people.

“You couldn’t get a greater school sports day if you tried,” author Richard Moore, who recently published a book examining the dominance of Jamaican sprinting, told CNN.

“The intensity is very real and it’s clear it really, really matters. It tips into something more than sport.”

Jamaica’s sprinters are its leading sports stars, hogging the headlines while their pictures adorn the sides of buses and billboard posters.

“Football is big here, but track and field is king, and it’s really dominated even more since what Usain did in Beijing in 2008,” says sports journalist Andre Lowe, of the Jamaica Gleaner.

“Right now, it’s clearly number one and its stars are huge.

“The cricketer Chris Gayle is perhaps the only one that comes close to the trio of Bolt, Asafa Powell and Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce.”

Lowe also points to a school system that helps nurture sprint talent in Jamaica, which he says allows the “youngest talents to express themselves in a very high level of competition early on.

“A lot of Jamaican kids have grown up wanting to emulate Jamaican sprinting talent and that goes back to the 1940s through to Don Quarrie in the 1970s and with Usain Bolt now.”

“It’s basically in the system, perhaps a bit like British Cycling,” added Moore, referring to the UK’s recent international success in that sport.

“It takes time to produce that on the world stage but Britain’s cyclists have done that at Olympic level and now the Tour de France.

“In Jamaica, it’s the same. The setup is geared to success from the very outset.

“And from the outset there’s unbelievable competition. It’s a bit like the Jamaican music scene, which is huge. That competition and talent around you just pushes you on further.”

The majority of Jamaica’s sprint stars in Beijing are coached by either Glen Mills, who oversees the likes of Bolt and Yohan Blake, and Stephen Francis, who has Fraser-Pryce and Powell under his tutelage.

Mills, in his own words, was a failed sprinter with a love of athletics growing up.

“I never had the talent and it was early when I realized. I was disappointed I wasn’t able to measure up to the others. But I didn’t let it get me down, I got over it and realized my talent was in coaching,” said Mills.

Having overseen 71 world championship and 33 Olympic medals during his tenure as head coach of the Jamaican national athletics team before setting up Racers Track Club, Mills says his approach doesn’t just focus on sport.

“Perfection is what we’re trying to achieve but it’s a hard thing to do. But I also like to help them develop into total human beings,” he says.

“You try to be involved in the rest of their lives as much as they let you. I’m always letting them know that they need to realize there’s life after the track.”

As for whether Jamaica’s dominance can continue, that remains to be seen.

Of the younger crop of athletes, it is less over 100m and 200m where they are the top dogs, more so over 400m — possibly spawning another era of dominance on the track.

For now, though, Bolt remains the sprint king.

Ref: CNN

FIFA Chief Sepp Blatter Says ‘He Is Clean’ Amid Corruption Inquiry

Outgoing Fifa president Sepp Blatter has told the BBC he is “clean” and “there is no corruption in football” amid criminal investigations at world football’s governing body.

Blatter, president since 1998, will step down in February amid an inquiry into allegations of systematic bribery.

The 79-year-old was elected for a fifth term in May but then stood down.

“I did it because I wanted to protect Fifa,” he said. “I can protect myself. I am strong enough.”

He added: “I know what I have done, what I have not done.

“I have my conscience and I know I’m an honest man. I am clean. I am not a worried man.”

Two criminal investigations into alleged Fifa corruption are still ongoing.

So far, 14 people have been indicted by the United States justice department following claims that bribes and kickbacks of more than $150m (£97m) were handed out over a 24-year period.

A Swiss investigation is also looking into the bidding process for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups, leading to speculation that Russia and Qatar could be stripped of football’s flagship event and a re-vote ordered.

But Blatter remains defiant and defensive of Fifa.

“The institution is not corrupt,” he said, adding; “There is no corruption in football, there is corruption with individuals, it is the people.”

In an exclusive interview with BBC sports news correspondent Richard Conway, Blatter also said:

  •     He was not “morally responsible” for the likes of former Fifa executive Chuck Blazer, who admitted he accepted bribes in connection with South Africa as 2010 World Cup hosts.

  •     The 2010 World Cup was “the cleanest World Cup that has ever been done”.

  •     “Fifa was the suffering party” but it would emerge positively after the “tsunami” of allegations that had hit it.

  •     He recognised “there were a lot of fans using the [media] devices and social media where they said ‘kill Blatter'”

    But he said there were different opinions in Asia and Africa, adding: “I’m at least respected because I and Fifa have done a lot”.

Uefa president Michel Platini is the favourite to replace Blatter when he steps down next year.

Asked if he would like to see the 60-year-old former France international take over, Blatter said: “Why not?

“Don’t ask the president who is elected to make a comment on the race for the presidency. I don’t mind, it’s the congress who will decide, not me.

Nicki Minaj And Meek Mill May Drop Joint Album

 Nicki Minaj and her boyfriend Meek Mill could be dropping a joint album next year.

Sources close to the Trinidadian rapper say the couple has several unreleased singles that they recorded while Meek was working on his latest album Dreams Worth More Than Money.

“The idea of a joint project came about after they realized that they have several singles that won’t make it on the album but are still dope.”

“So think about it, if they they record a couple more tracks they can easily drop an album. But for now that project is just in the planning phase so no real work hasn’t been put in yet because of their current touring and Meek promoting his latest album.”

Our source also told us that if this project gets off the ground, it could be dropped next year.

“If a joint album will materialize then you can look for it next year and I can safely say that it will be dope,” sources added.

Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill have been dating since late last year following her split with her boyfriend of 12 years Safaree Samuels. They have been enjoying the spotlight since going public with their relationship earlier this year.

Their latest collaboration “All Eyes On You” which also features Chris Brown, is currently No. 42 on Billboard Hot 100 after peaking at 21 on the charts.

Nicki Minaj just wrapped up the North American leg of her PinkPrint Tour. Meek Mill, Tinashe, Dej Loaf, and Rae Sremmurd also co-headlined the tour.

The “Anaconda” rapper also announced on Twitter that she is not done touring yet.

“My tour isn’t over. Just this portion. Lol. Stay tuned.” she wrote.

Mums’ Diet Linked To Baby Heart Risk

 Women who eat healthily before and during pregnancy may cut the risk of their baby developing a heart problem, researchers believe.

The link is suggested by a study of 19,000 women in the US who were asked about their diet in the year leading up to pregnancy.

A healthy diet was one with plenty of fresh fish, fruit, nuts and vegetables.

Pregnant women and women trying to conceive are already advised to take certain supplements.

Experts recommend folic acid to reduce the risk of other birth defects like spina bifida, and vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth.

In England, the government’s Healthy Start scheme provides vouchers for pregnant women that can be used to buy milk and vegetables.

In the study, published in Archives of Diseases in Childhood Fetal & Neonatal Edition, half of the women had babies with heart problems while the other half did not.

When the researchers compared the diets of these two groups they found a healthier maternal diet was associated with a lower chance of congenital heart defects.

Pregnant women in the top 25% (quartile) of diet quality, had a lower risk of having a baby with certain heart defects – atrial septal defects and Tetralogy of Fallot – than those in the bottom 25%, even after accounting for other factors such as whether the mother took folic acid or was a smoker.

Congenital heart disease is one of the most common types of birth defect, affecting up to nine in every 1,000 babies born in the UK.

Mild defects, such as holes in the heart, often don’t need to be treated, as they may improve on their own and may not cause any further problems. But others can be more serious and some, lethal.

In most cases, something has gone wrong in the early development of the foetus. Some heart conditions are due to faulty genes or chromosomes. But often it is unclear why the baby’s heart has not developed normally, says the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

Victoria Taylor, senior dietitian at the BHF, said: “This is an interesting study which highlights the importance of diet right from the start of life.

“A healthy diet before, during and after pregnancy can have benefits for both mother and child and, as seen here, the whole diet should be taken into consideration, rather than solely focusing on individual nutrients.

“Eating well isn’t a guaranteed way to avoid congenital heart defects, but this will be another factor that will motivate women planning a pregnancy to make healthy choices.”

Source: BBC

Ki-Moon honours slain colleagues at UN House, decries terror

TWO days to the fourth anniversary of the bombing of the United Nations (UN) House in Abuja, the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon yesterday laid a wreath at the global body’s premises to commemorate the terror attack.

The attack by Boko Haram on August 27, 2011 killed 23 UN workers and injured many others.

Meanwhile, the Permanent Secretary of Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mr. John Chukwu, has assured Ki-Moon, that the Federal Government will handover the damaged UN Common Building in six months.

Chukwu gave the assurance shortly after laying a wreath in honour of the victims of the bomb attack on the UN House.

He said the Federal Government would do everything possible to ensure that the renovation and reconstruction work was completed within the period of six months.

Also, rising from behind a closed door meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari at the State House yesterday, Ki-Moon called for the unconditional release of the over 200 Chibok schoolgirls abducted in April 2014.

In a related development, Buhari has accepted an invitation from Ki-moon to a meeting of world leaders in New York which is expected to formulate a fresh plan of action against extremism.

President Barack Obama and his France counterpart Francois Hollande are also expected to participate in the September 28 meeting which will, among other things deliberate on a new UN draft resolution on combating extremism worldwide.

Ki-Moon also stressed that protecting the girl-child is one of the key approaches that would prevent them (girls) against early marriages.

The UN boss, who stated this yesterday in Abuja when he visited the Garki Junior Secondary School (GJSS), Abuja, where he met with the principal, staff and students of the school, said: “Education for girls is one of the best strategies for protecting girls against child marriage and prepare them for better future.’’

And to ensure the realisation of the 2030 target for the identified 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the UN has urged business and philanthropy leaders to forge a tripartite partnership involving the government, business communities and private sector as well as the civil society.

Ki-Moon said: “We pay tribute to the 23 fallen colleagues, women and men, who were so brutally stolen from us. We reaffirm our commitment to keep faith with their families.

“Our fallen colleagues and partners will be remembered this morning with moments of silence in many places. “But nowhere are the memories of these colleagues more immediate, more vivid and more compelling than here in Abuja. We will remember them forever as truly the best of humanity.

“We join the families in prayers for the eternal rest of the souls of the departed and for long and healthy lives for the injured survivors,” he said.

Describing the abduction of the school girls as intolerable, the UN scribe reiterated the commitment of the world body to work with Nigeria to ensure that all the kidnapped girls and elsewhere are released unconditionally.

In a joint press conference he addressed with Buhari at the Presidential Villa, the UN scribe said the humanitarian crisis in northeast was worrisome, pledging the support of the UN to Nigeria in the areas of peace and security as well as development.

He expressed joy over the establishment of the multinational joint task force, (MNJTF) to tackle the insurgents, hoping that the rapid operationalisation of the task force would help in quickly bringing the insurgency to an end.

However, in tackling the insurgency, he hoped the President would stick to his pledge to uphold the basic rights.

On his part, Buhari commended the UN for standing by Nigeria in its trying moment, noting that the encouragement from the UN scribe has facilitated the development process of the country.

Ki-Moon, accompanied by Nigeria’s former Millennium Development Goals(MDG) boss, Mrs Amina Az-zbair, also yesterday, in a meeting with business and philanthropy leaders, stressed the need for government, private sector and civil society to work together for the actualisation of the 15 years Sustainable Development Goals target.

He noted that the Sustainable Development Goals had 17-sustainable development course, which was the UN part-way for the next 15 years, targeting 2030.

While urging the business leaders to discuss and come forward with their challenges and how the UN could assist them achieve needed growth, Ki-Moon further advocated capacity building initiatives for legislators in formulating legislations that would create a conducive business environment for investors.

The UN scribe also invited Buhari to a meeting of a select group of 25 world leaders in New York on September 27 to deliberate on a global climate change agreement.

He disclosed that the invitation was in recognition of Buhari’s political will to combat terror and in dealing with environmental issues.

Source: ngrguardiannews

Microsoft’s Cortana assistant launched on Android

 Microsoft said Monday its Cortana virtual assistant software was available to users of Android mobile devices.

Cortana is Microsoft’s answer to Apple’s Siri and Google Now, which respond to voice commands on mobile devices.

The launch is part of an effort by Microsoft to expand its mobile presence despite a weak showing for its Windows Phone devices.

“The Cortana app can do most of the things Cortana does on your PC or on a Windows phone,” Microsoft’s Susan Hendrich said in a blog post.

“With the app, you can manage your hectic lifestyle by setting and getting reminders, searching the web on-the-go, tracking important information such as flight details as well as starting and completing tasks across all of your devices.”

A beta version of Cortana is being made available as of Monday to US users of Android devices, and “we are planning to roll it out to other markets,” Hendrich said.

Microsoft said in May it was working on the Android version as well as another for Apple devices.

According to research firm Gartner, Windows had just 2.5 percent of the global smartphone market in the second quarter compared with 82 percent for Google’s Android and 14.6 percent for Apple’s iOS.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Forbes: Jennifer Lawrence Is The Highest-Paid Actress In The World

Hunger Games star, Jennifer Lawrence  is now the highest-paid actress in the world, taking the top spot from last year’s leader, Sandra Bullock.

According to Forbes, the face of Katniss and Mystique raked in a whopping $52 million over the past year, spanning June 2014 to June 2015. Scarlett Johansson follows in second place with $35.5 million, with Melissa McCarthy rounding out the top three at $23 million.

For the first time ever, the ranking examined the world’s highest-paid leading ladies to create a truly global list of actress earnings.

The aforementioned Bullock, who was on top last year, slipped all the way down to number fifteen, earning $8 million.

Here’s a list of the top 18 actresses.

  •  Jennifer Lawrence: $52,000,000

  •  Scarlett Johansson: $35,500,000

  •  Melissa McCarthy: $23,000,000

  •  Bingbing Fan: $21,000,000

  • Jennifer Aniston: $16,500,000

  • Julia Roberts: $16,000,000

  • Angelina Jolie: $15,000,000

  • Reese Witherspoon: $15,000,000

  • Anne Hathaway: $12,000,000

  • Kristen Stewart: $12,000,000

  • Cameron Diaz: $11,000,000

  • Gwyneth Paltrow: $9,000,000

  • Meryl Streep: $8,000,000

  • Amanda Seyfried: $8,000,000

  • Sandra Bullock: $8,000,000

  • Emma Stone: $6,500,000

  • Mila Kunis: $6,500,000

  • Natalie Portman: $6,000,000

Samsung Slips Further In Smartphone Market But Still Tops Apple

 Samsung is still the top dog in the smartphone arena though it continues to drip market share.

The Korean mobile phone maker saw its cut of the smartphone market dip to 21.9 percent in the second quarter ended June 30 from 26.2 percent for the same quarter last year, Gartner said on Thursday. Over the same period, Samsung’s smartphone sales fell to 72 million from 76.1 million.

Though still in second place, Apple boosted its smartphone market share to 14.6 percent last quarter from 12.2 percent in the prior year’s quarter. iPhone sales shot up to 48 million from 35.3 million over the same period. Samsung launched its Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge in April, but those phones continue to be challenged by Apple’s iPhone lineup, Gartner said.

Samsung’s smartphone sales and market share have been spiraling down for almost two years now. And the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge have so far failed to turn things around, leading to Samsung’s seventh straight drop in quarterly earnings for the second quarter. The company has been facing greater competition from Chinese vendors such as Xiaomi and Huawei on the lower end and Apple on the high end. Samsung’s premium phones continue to sell at a premium price tag, though the company has promised to “adjust” prices on its Galaxy S6 lineup. And larger-screened phones are no longer the domain of Android vendors such as Samsung. Apple turned into a stronger rival last September when it introduced its iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, with display sizes of 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches, respectively.

On August 13, Samsung unveiled its new Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+, hoping those new phones might win over customers and help recover some of its lost sales and market share.

For the second quarter, Apple’s iPhone sales rose by 36 percent, helping it gain an additional 2.4 percentage points in market share. The company benefited from healthy iPhone replacements in both mature and emerging markets, according to Gartner. Though the Chinese smartphone market has stalled as of late, China remained a strong region for Apple where total iPhone sales grew last quarter by 68 percent to reach 11.9 million units.

Chinese vendor Huawei earned the biggest jump in sales growth during the second quarter at 46.3 percent, winning third place among all smartphone vendors. The company’s market share rose to 7.8 percent from 6.1 percent, while its smartphone sales jumped to 25.8 million from 17.6 million. Gartner attributed the gains to stronger sales overseas as well as solid 4G smartphone sales in China.

Fellow Chinese phone maker Lenovo took home fourth place, though its cut of the smartphone market fell to 5 percent from 6.6 percent, while sales dropped to 16.4 million from 19 million. Those results include sales of mobile phones made by Lenovo and Motorola Mobility, which Lenovo acquired last October for $2.91 billion. But that purchase isn’t paying off at this point. Lenovo announced last Thursday that it would cut around 3,200 jobs from its workforce of 60,000 after sales of Motorola mobile phones fell by 31 percent last quarter.

And fifth place was taken by another Chinese vendor, namely Xiaomi. For the second quarter, Xiaomi’s market share inched up to 4.9 percent from 4.3 percent, while smartphone sales rose to 16 million from 12.5 million.

Though Huawei and Xiaomi had a good quarter, the Chinese smartphone market isn’t faring as well. Still, the world’s largest smartphone market, China saw a 4 percent decline in smartphone sales for the first time ever, according to Gartner, which attributed the drop to saturation.

“China is the biggest country for smartphone sales, representing 30 percent of total sales of smartphones in the second quarter of 2015,” Gartner research director Anshul Gupta said in a statement. “Its poor performance negatively affected the performance of the mobile phone market in the second quarter. China has reached saturation — its phone market is essentially driven by replacement, with fewer first-time buyers. Beyond the lower-end phone segment, the appeal of premium smartphones will be key for vendors to attract upgrades and to maintain or grow their market share in China.”

Overall smartphone sales across the globe saw their slowest growth rate since 2013 last quarter, Gartner reported. Worldwide sales reached 330 million units, an increase of 13.5 percent over the same quarter last year.

“While demand for lower-cost 3G and 4G smartphones continued to drive growth in emerging markets, overall smartphone sales remained mixed region by region in the second quarter of 2015,” Gupta said. “Emerging Asia/Pacific (excluding China), Eastern Europe and Middle East and Africa were the fastest-growing regions, driven by good performance from Chinese and local vendors.”

From $6,000 To $67 Billion: Warren Buffett’s Wealth Through The Ages

So, what were you doing as a young teenager?

His story is well told. Warren Buffett became a player in the investment game at the wee age of 11, eventually using cash he earned from his paper route to buy some farmland in his home state. As a high school sophomore, he also reaped the rewards of a booming pinball machine business.

By the time Buffett was 15, he already had a net worth of about $6,000.

According to the latest Forbes count, the so-called Oracle of Omaha is now tipping the wealth scales at $67 billion. That’s good enough to put him at number three on the richest list, behind Bill Gates and Carlos Slim.

The Dadaviz blog put together the chart below with help from to show Buffett’s journey from prodigious teen to the octogenarian behind Berkshire Hathaway BRK.A, -1.33%

Some notable Buffett milestones include his net worth topping the $1-million mark at around 30 years old and then taking out the $1-billion hurdle at 56 years old. The stretch from 59 years old to now hasn’t exactly been unkind, either. And he doesn’t appear to be slowing down much.

Check it out and be inspired! Or overcome with feelings of inadequacy…

iPhone Owners Can Now ‘Test Drive’ New Samsung Phones For A Month

 Samsung is trying to tempt Apple fans away from their iPhones with a “test drive” offer.

For $1, iPhone users can try out Samsung’s latest releases — the Galaxy S6 Edge+ and Note 5, along with the slightly older Galaxy S6 Edge — for an entire month.

The rented phone will come with an activated SIM card good for 30 days of data and cell service. If users don’t like the phone, they can send it back.

If they decide they want to switch, they can buy a “qualifying Samsung device” — after which there is “even more love in store for you,” Samsung wrote without much explanation.

To take advantage of the test trial, users must sign up through their iPhone. On Thursday, research firm Gartner released a report showing that Samsung smartphone sales had declined worldwide by 5.3 percent over the last year, while iPhone sales had climbed 36 percent.

Apple sales were especially strong in China, where consumers flocked to the bigger screens of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which measure 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches, respectively.

Samsung went even bigger with the phones it introduced last week, the Galaxy S6 Edge+ and Note 5, which both have 5.7-inch screens.

Update: Apparently there are a lot of curious iPhone owners out there. “Due to the overwhelming demand, we are temporarily out of test drive phones,” Samsung announced on Friday afternoon. “Please keep checking back for available phones.”

Big Brother Africa’s Photos Leaked After Fight With Rival Vera Sidika

 Top Kenyan socialites and rivals, Huddah Monroe and Vera Sidika slugged it out on Instagram on Saturday.This duo who are similar in their love for the headlines have always shared a not too friendly history. There have even been reports that they have cussed out each other twice when they met at events.

Huddah Monroe gave her fans something to cheer about after she took to her Instagram page to put Vera Sidika on blast fro allegedly trying to pimp her off to a man in Lagos. She backed her rants with proof – showing series of direct Messages to her inbox from Vera throwing her the gauntlet. She has since deleted the post and the pictures from her IG page, but not until it was screen grabbed by the excited fans.

Meanwhile Huddah’s Instagram posted a nude photo of herself with the impression that her account had been hacked by Vera.

See below

Nigerian Army Chief Ambushed By Boko Haram

Suspected Boko Haram militants ambushed a convoy carrying the new head of the Nigerian army, the military says.

The ambush, which took place on Saturday in north-eastern Borno state, led to a clash in which one soldier and at least five militants were killed.

Army chief Gen Tukur Buratai took up his post in July after the president sacked the heads of the military for failing to end Boko Haram’s insurgency.

Boko Haram began fighting for an Islamic state in the north in 2009.
At least 17,000 people have been killed since then, according to Amnesty International.

Gen Buratai was visiting troops in Borno state when his convoy was ambushed about 45km (28 miles) east of the state capital, Maiduguri, an army spokesman said.

Nigeria’s Premium Times reported that an advance section of the convoy had been targeted, and that Gen Buratai had later ordered the convoy to stop so that suspects could be arrested.

Boko Haram has lost territory in recent months to a multinational force that includes troops from Nigeria’s neighbours. But the militant group has stepped up its campaign since President Muhammadu Buhari took office in May.

Mr Buhari, a former army general, has given his new military chiefs a three-month deadline to defeat Boko Haram.

News of the ambush in Borno emerged on Sunday as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was due to arrive to mark the fourth anniversary of a Boko Haram attack on the UN building in the capital, Abuja.

  •  Founded in 2002, initially focused on opposing Western-style education – Boko Haram means “Western education is forbidden” in the Hausa language
  •     Launched military operations in 2009
  •     Thousands killed, mostly in north-eastern Nigeria, abducted hundreds, including at least 200 schoolgirls
  •     Joined Islamic State, now calls itself “West African province”
  •     Seized large area in north-east, where it declared caliphate
  •     Regional force has retaken most territory this year

Top Exams Results For The Youngest Person Ever To Win The Noble Peace Prize - Malala

 Among those celebrating exam success is girls’ education campaigner, Malala Yousafzai who gained a string of As and A*s in her GCSEs.

Her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, took to Twitter to list Malala’s grades which include A*s in GCSE and iGCSE maths.

“My wife Toor Pekai and I are proud of Malala getting 6A*s and 4As. #education for every child,” wrote Mr Yousafzai.

Malala was shot by the Taliban after writing a diary about life under their rule in North-West Pakistan.

Last year, she became the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Top grades

The 18-year-old, who now attends Edgbaston High School in Birmingham, did particularly well in the sciences, with top A* grades in biology, chemistry and physics – as well as in religious studies.

She also scored As in history, geography, English language and English literature.

Malala first came to public attention through her anonymous diary, published on the BBC’s Urdu website, in which she chronicled her desire for girls in Pakistan to have the chance of an education.

At the time, scores of girls’ schools were being destroyed by militants in the Swat valley where she lived.

She survived being shot in the head by a Taliban gunman in October 2012 and was eventually flown to the UK for treatment and rehabilitation.

WhatsApp Web Which Allow Instant Mesaging Is Finally Coming To iPhone

 WhatsApp Web, which allows you to send instant messages via the service to your friends from your computer, has rolled out to iPhone users.
To check if you have the feature already, head into WhatsApp, then settings and look for WhatsApp Web in the list.

Wife Of David Beckham Set To Visit Ghana

 The former member of the British all-female pop group, Spice Girls,Victoria Beckham, wife of football superstar David Beckham, is set to visit Ghana.

Posh Spice as she is affectionately known, would be in Ghana for a number of HIV/AIDS related activities courtesy of UNAID Ghana.

Mr Girmay Haile, UNAIDS Ghana Country Director made the announcement recently at the Television Awards Ghana.

Victoria Beckham was appointed UNAIDS International Goodwill Ambassador in September 2014 to support the UNAIDS vision of an AIDS-free generation.

She will raise awareness in support of the UNAIDS-led Global Plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive and will speak out for young women and girls affected by the epidemic.

Victoria Beckham has been engaged in humanitarian issues for many years and has a long-standing interest in the AIDS response. She has been a patron of the Elton JohnAIDS Foundation for more than a decade and hopes her role with UNAIDS will allow her to reach a greater audience with important message.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Google Photos App Will Now Let You 'Rediscover' Moments From Your Past.

 Perfect for a Thursday announcement, Google's latest update to its powerful Google Photos app will now let you 'rediscover' moments from your past.

On any given day, the opt-in feature will show you photos and videos that you took from the same time during previous years, similar to Facebook's On This Day feature that was launched back in March.

"Photos help us reminisce about the things we've done, bringing back events from one, two, or even ten years ago," Google said in its announcement.

Of course, the new feature will be private, and if you do choose to turn the feature on, there will be a new card in the Assistant view in the Google Photos app collating an album and collage of the images you took last year.

From there you'll be able to share the photos or video through email and social media, or they can remain private for your own viewing.

The 'Rediscover this day' feature is available through web and the iOS app, with it set to roll out to Android soon.

Instagram Update Makes It Too Easy To Share Your Location

Instagram's latest update has removed the ability to choose which photos get uploaded to your Photo Map, with all photos now tagged with a location automatically added to your map.

The Photo Maps button allowed users to choose which geo-tagged photos, showing at times your exact location, they wanted to add to their maps and which they didn't.

This was useful if you took a photo and tagged it, but didn't want to share your exact location on the map because your profile was not set to private, allowing anyone can access your profile, Photo Maps, and potentially, your exact location at any given time.

This week's app update has removed the 'Add to Photomap' button, and without giving much of a notice to users, all images tagged with a location will now be automatically added to your map.

"On Monday, we made a change to make it easier for people to add location to their photos. As part of this, we removed the option to 'add to Photomap' from the flow'," an Instagram spokesperson told The Next Web, which spotted the change.

Instagram's Photomap help page has also been updated to reflect the changes, but what is concerning is that many people may not realize that they'll essentially be giving away their locations automatically now if they tag their photos with a location.

Of course, if you want to keep your images tagged, Instagram does let you remove photos from your Photomap, but it's a bit of a lengthy process.

You'll need to hop into the map through your profile page, hitting edit and then deselect the images you want removed (there is a Deselect All option). You finish up by selecting Done and Confirm.

October Event, Microsoft Is Planning a Huge Ton of New Devices

 Microsoft's next raft of consumer gadgets will be unveiled at a mega event later this year.

Chinese news site WPDang reports that the Surface Pro 4 and Microsoft Band 2, plus a pair of new Lumia handsets, will form the basis of the October event that will almost certainly see multiple new pieces of hardware.

The Surface Pro 4 will be the main focus of the event, which will once again be dubbed the tablet that can replace your laptop and Microsoft is expected to pack it with an ultra powerful Intel Core 'M' chip that will threaten the likes of the Apple MacBook Air.

Alongside this, the Lumia 950 and 950 XL can be expected to finally arrive following many months of leaks with both smartphones ready to handle the long-awaited arrival of the Windows 10 Mobile OS.
Xbox One slim?

That's not all. Further whispers are pointing to a couple of surprises on the hardware front for the event that could indeed mean a slimmer version of the Xbox One and even the long awaited arrival of the Surface Mini.

Information on the Band 2 is also incredibly thin on the ground ahead of the event and we can expect to hear more at IFA 2014, where there is an event penciled in for Windows 10-related hardware.

Source: techradar

First Chat With New Chelsea Signing Baba Rahman

 Our newest arrival Baba Rahman made his first visit to Cobham on Tuesday following his transfer from Augsburg. The 21-year-old sat down with the official Chelsea website to discuss the move and outline his targets for the campaign.

Having undergone a training session shortly after his arrival, the defender (pictured above with the club’s technical director Michael Emenalo) was in good spirits as he looked ahead…

Hi Baba, welcome to the club. How does it feel to be a Chelsea player?

Thank you very much. I’m very happy to be here and I’m really looking forward to meeting my team-mates and getting started.

What are your first impressions of Cobham?

It’s a fantastic training ground, the facilities are amazing and the pitches are world class. It’s very good here.

Could you explain a little about your playing style?

I’m a left-back and, as a defender, it’s important for me to be strong in the tackle, which I always try to be. I also like to get forward as much as possible and help the team in attack.

As a full-back who likes to get forward, do you think English football will suit your game?

Yes, I think so because In the Premier League there is a heavy emphasis on getting up and down the pitch, which I like to do.

You attempted more crosses than any other player in the Bundesliga last season. How important is it for a modern full-back to produce quality deliveries from wide areas?

It’s very important because obviously if you can provide crosses from out wide there is a higher chance of providing assists and chances for the team.

Is it true that you can also play as a winger or in midfield?

I can play as a winger but I haven’t played in midfield for a while. I played on the left wing in Germany for Greuther Furth not so long ago and scored two goals in the game, but the next day I left for Augsburg.

Which players were your biggest influences growing up?

When I was growing up it wasn’t just left-backs I watched, I liked to keep an eye on all of the top players, but since becoming a left-back I like to watch Marcelo. But I enjoy watching the best players in action, it doesn’t matter what position they play in.

You were playing second-tier German football at the beginning of last season, so your rise has been a rapid one. What do you put this down to?

Last season was amazing for me, and my coach and team-mates at Augsburg helped me a lot, but I fought very hard to try and improve as much as possible.

Do you watch a lot of Premier League football?

Yes, when I’m not playing I enjoy watching all football but especially the Premier League and of course Chelsea. It wasn’t always easy for me to watch because sometimes it wasn’t shown, but I always tried to watch it when possible. It’s a very strong league.

You’re the third Ghanaian to sign for the club following Michael Essien and Christian Atsu. Did you speak to either of them prior to the move?

Yes, I spoke with both of them and they were very positive about Chelsea. They told me it was a great club with very nice people, which was good to hear.

Essien, in particular, has a big history at the club. Do you remember watching him in action when he played here?

Yes, I watched him whenever I could. In Ghana they only showed the Premier League at that time so I was always watching him, he was a great player for Chelsea.

Is the impressive history of Africans at Chelsea encouraging for you?

Yes, of course, it’s a big inspiration for me and I’m really looking forward to trying to carry on the pattern of African players doing well for the club. I can’t wait to get started.

Could you tell us why you’ve chosen to have Baba, rather than Rahman, on your shirt?

It’s because my dad’s name is Baba, I love my dad so that’s the reason. He’s a Chelsea supporter so he’s very happy and proud. He’s not in the country at the moment but he will definitely be watching every game.

What are your main aims for this season?

My main aim is to win trophies for the club. Obviously Chelsea won the Premier League last season and I hope we can repeat that, and do even more. That’s what I hope to achieve.


White House Hires Its First Transgender Woman

 The White House has hired its first openly transgender member of staff.

Raffi Freedman-Gurspan has been named as outreach and recruitment director for presidential personnel in the Office of Personnel.

Born in Honduras and raised by a single mother, she has in the past been critical of some of the administration’s policies including the detention of undocumented transgender immigrants.

Previously a policy adviser for the National Centre for Transgender Equality, Ms Freedman-Gurspan was also the first openly transgender woman to work at the Massachusetts State House.

The appointment comes nearly two months after President Barack Obama was heckled by Jennicet Gutiérrez, an undocumented transgender immigrant, at a LGBT event at the White House.

It was an incident which caused embarrassment given the efforts of the Obama administration to reach out to the transgender community.

In his State of the Union address, Mr Obama urged Americans to condemn the persecution of transgender people across the world. He has also signed an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of their sexual identity or orientation.

However campaigners estimate at least 16 transgender women have been murdered since the beginning of the year.

Ms Freedman-Gurspan has urged the Department of Justice and FBI take steps to track hate crimes involving transgender victims.

 Source: The Telegraph

The UK Is Trialling A New Road Surface That Charges Your Electric Car As You Drive

One of the problems with being on the cutting edge of electric car technology is you’re not as sure of being able to find a filling station as all the petrol-burning drivers around you. If a new road surface being trialled in the UK finds wider use, that sort of ‘range anxiety’ could be gone for good – the roads actually charge your car as you drive.

Highways England, the government organisation responsible for road infrastructure maintenance, is beginning tests later this year. A select number of cars will be fitted with the requisite wireless charging technology, and a test road will be built to show how smaller sub-stations, AC/AC converters, and power transfer loops can provide inductive charging built into the road itself.

The exact details of the technology and how it works won’t be confirmed until a contractor is appointed to set up the test route, but the aim will be to simulate motorway conditions as closely as possible. It’s not yet clear how much of a charge the tarmac is going to provide, but it would certainly increase the amount of time cars could last between full charges at home or a designated charging station.

“Vehicle technologies are advancing at an ever increasing pace and we’re committed to supporting the growth of ultra-low emissions vehicles on England’s motorways and major A roads,” Highways England chief highways engineer, Mike Wilson, said in a press statement. “The off-road trials of wireless power technology will help to create a more sustainable road network for England and open up new opportunities for businesses that transport goods across the country.”

It might take some time before drivers in England can take advantage of the new technology – the trials are expected to last 18 months, and then on-road testing can begin. Electric car charging points won’t be dismissed completely, however, and Highways England has said it’s committed to installing plug-in facilities every 48 km along the motorway network.

The tests come after a feasibility study looking into how dynamic battery charging could solve the problem of electric vehicles running out of juice, as well as reduce fuel emissions and cut down on fuel costs for drivers at the same time. With the European Union imposing fines for countries that don’t meet emission targets, encouraging electric cars onto the road would make a lot of financial sense for the UK government.

A similar idea is already in use in South Korea, where specially modified electric buses use Shaped Magnetic Field In Resonance technology built into the road surface to receive a charge as they move along.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

No More Illuminati Symbols At Shows – Sarkodie

 Ghanaian rapper, Sarkodie, has promised his fans he will stop using Illuminati symbols for his stage crafts at shows. The ‘Adonai’ singer has consistently denied being a member of the contentious spiritual society when confronted with the claims in interviews.

He created a song titled ‘Illuminati’, to dispel all such claims but has been spotted on a few occasions for using symbols associated with the cult and its practices in his performances sometimes and criticized accodingly.

An example of such instances is his recent Sarkodie History in The Making Concert staged at Harlem in New York. A worried fan who reached out to him on twitter asked him to avoid the criticisms altogether.

The fan tweeted “Yo @sarkodie arbeg if you stop using the Illuminati symbols what go happen? If you are 1 too jx tell us wai #Yabr3″. The rapper replied “Hahahaha I feel you!!! You have a point I will stop pls”.

 Source: Starr FM

FG Writes India Over Nigerian ISIS Suspects

The Nigerian embassy in Delhi, India, has written to the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to see the two Nigerians that were arrested in Punjab recently while on their way to Pakistan, allegedly to join the Islamic State terrorist group.

The two youths from Kano, identified as Imran Kabeer and Sani Jamiliu, are currently being detained by the Punjab Police in India.

The India police had arrested the two youths on suspicions that they were on their way to join ISIS and that they attempted to enter Pakistan without valid travel documents.

The suspects, who live in New Delhi, came to India on student visas about a year ago. While Imran is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree at the Karnataka State Open University, Sani is a Bachelor of Science student of the Kerala-based Mahatma Gandhi University

The spokesman, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ogbole Ahmedu-Ode, confirmed that the Nigerian embassy officials had applied to see the suspects to “ascertain their claim of Nigerian nationality.”

“Our embassy in India has applied for consular access to see the boys so that we can ascertain their claim of Nigerian nationality,” he said.

In a related development, there are suspicions that the Lebanese ISIS terrorist, Ahmed Al Assir, could have forged the Nigerian visa in order to visit the country.

A diplomatic report shown to our correspondent on Wednesday, indicated that Assir did not apply to the Nigerian embassy in Lebanon for visa and that he must have forged the document.

It said there was no record anywhere that indicated that the terrorist applied for the Nigerian visa.

President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday reportedly ordered an investigation into how the Lebanese got the Nigerian visa found in his passport.

The terrorist, who had been on the wanted list of Lebanese security forces, was arrested at the airport last Saturday while attempting to visit Cairo, Egypt, en route to Nigeria on a forged Palestinian passport.

The diplomatic report explained that Assir, who was of Palestinian extraction, had undergone surgery to alter his appearance so as to evade detection by security operatives.

He was accused of involvement in the death of 17 Lebanese soldiers and had been sentenced to death by the court in 2013.

The document further stated that the wanted terrorist had been using different aliases to evade arrest and that his current pseudonym was not on the watch list of the Lebanese security forces.

“Assir has been using the fake name, Rami Abdul Rahman Taleb, to evade detection by security agencies in Lebanon. He did not apply to the Nigerian embassy for visa, meaning that he must have forged the visa he had on his fake passport when he was arrested with his companion, Khaled Sidani, at the airport,” it stated.

Ahmedu-Ode said, “investigation is ongoing” to determine how the terrorist came about the Nigerian visa.

Meanwhile, the Defence Headquarters on Wednesday denied media reports that over 150 people from Kukuwa-Gari village were shot dead by Boko Haram gunmen in Yobe State.

The DHQ said troops indeed killed four Boko Haram members in a gunfight after the insurgents ran into a military ambush.

A statement by the acting Director, Defence Information, Col. Rabe Abubakar, in Abuja pleaded with the media to always seek clarifications on their information before publishing.

Abubakar’s statement read, “The truth of the matter is that the military got an intelligence report concerning a planned attack by Boko Haram on Kukuwa-Gari Village in Yobe State. Following the tip-off, troops and civilian JTF laid ambush between Kukuwatashi and Kukuwa-Gari villages.

“The insurgents ran into them and a gun battle ensued in which four Boko Haram members and one civilian JTF lost their lives. At the end of the encounter, two AK 47 rifles and two motorcycles used by the Boko Haram terrorists were recovered from them.

“The military is doing all within its power to protect lives and property of Nigerians in any part of the country and thus, solicits cooperation and understanding of the media to be partners in progress in this noble task.”

Source: punchng