
Wednesday, March 19, 2014



 “I have a dream” is a speech delivered by Martin Luther king Jnr. On 28th August, 1963. He was an American civil rights activist who had a dream about black Americans emancipation one day. That dream came to pass in the election of Barack Obama as first African American president.

Dreams are a sequence of scenes and feeling occurring in the mind during sleep. A dreamer is a person who dreams, a person with ideas or plans that do not seem practicable or realistic. Dreams can be buried in the subconscious mind for a long time. They can be forgotten.

Joseph was a dreamer. He did not hid his dream. He suffered for his dreams. He believed in his dreams. He did not bother himself with the “why” of the circumstances around him. His thoughts were “what should I do now?”

Joseph has a dream. He believed in the dream and it took him not less than 15 years to actualize the dream.
And Joseph dreamed a dream and he told it to his brothers and they hated him yet the more. Gen 37:5
What are your dreams? What are you able to visualize or imagine? Like Joseph, voice out your dreams. No matter what it takes, don’t let your dream die.

Everyone of us has the capacity to lead. (prov 29:18).
In 1774, a man by the named john Adam boldly declare a his vision for a new nation, he was in thirteen state that was together  become independent in the parliament in king of England at that time is like impossibility and in short year united state of American was born.

 Henry ford, founded the ford automotive, has a vision that every American should be able to drive a car, in a few year they were turning out million of dollars, they were producing 1000 car, and the workers said who is going to buy it? He said don’t worry. Few years later, their production raise to four thousand (4,000).

 I have also read about past American president John F Kennedy who declare in 1960, that in the next 10 years America will put a mark on the moon, at the time he said it he didn’t quit know how it will happen, nine (9) year it become a reality.

In 28 August 1963 Martin Luther King Jnr. stood on the step of Lincoln memorial, Washington D.C. and said I have dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judge by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. In a few years dawn the line his vision come to pass.

Sometimes in the early 1980, a preacher in Nigeria by name E.A Adeboye was praying in his rented apartment and said lord give me a house and the Lord said to him I will not only give you a house, I will give you a city, and today it come pass. The evidence is seen at kilometer 46 Lagos – Ibadan express way Nigeria. The headquarter of the Redeemed Christian church of God.

In October 1998, on the foundation lay ceremony of faith tabernacle, recognize by Guinness book of record as the largest church auditorium in the world.

Were David oyedepo bring out a shirt of paper and read out from the list of a meeting held in April 1982 in a city call offa in kwara state Nigeria, and he declare that the lord show me a vision, I saw wind and it was a wind of an aircraft preaching the gospel around the world, I saw also a tent at the base of this ministry that will sit fifty (50) thousand people. Seventeen and half years later the vision come to pass. September 1999 the foundation of the tent was laid were they are running two full services today.

God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that will ask, what you ask for should be in line with what you are thinking. And the principle is as a man thinketh so he is, the picture in your imagination is what it print out in real life. Sometimes what people ask for does not march with their vision, thinking.

A vision is the most potent weapon for creativity. A vision is a mental picture of preferable future that comes with conviction and passion. Your vision is you future. What you see inside is what you see outside.  The dreams of your today are the reality of your tomorrow.

 The picture in your imagination is what God print out for you in reality. Vision is the capacity to see. All human being has two eyes, the inner eye and the physical eye. You can’t see the future without the inner eye. Vision is base on insight.

You must exercises the operation of your inner eye in the fulfillment of your destiny. Where there is no vision there are no leader. When you come across your vision, you will have the feeling of I was born for this, I was born for that.

Be the one who will create a new dimension in politics, the one who will create a new dimension in business, in education, in sport the people who will own sport complex. If there is new York meaning there is old one. etc.

Vision comes true praying, reading scriptures, and reading this books of the bible. Vision come from hearing somebody story. Testimony can be powerful, because you will hear a voice telling you, you can do it.

Vision can come from direct encounter with God. True vision comes from God!
A vision of the product of human mind can be frustrated, stuck. But when a vision is of product of God mind, there is no voice can stop it from being realize. Because He don’t design His vision according to mans plan but He design His plan according to His resources.

Eyes have not seen, ear has not hear neither has it enter into the heart of any man the thing that God has purpose for those who love Him...  say it aloud I’m expectant!


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