
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Student of University of Benin Today Protest over The Death of One Student Crushed By Patrol Van


The student of University of Benin today protested atb the main gate of the University, which lasted for a number of hours. Movement on the highway Benin - Lagoss express way was disrupted by this angery student. The student said, their protest is as a result of one Student named; ANWULIKA RITA HALIM and her friend who was crushed by army patrol van on Sunday morning.

Eye witness said, army vehicle written Thunder storm patrol 28, at about 10:15am on Sunday morning drove into 2 girls crossing the road..from indications they were both coming from one of the hostels located beside Odaro plaza...

After the accident one of the girls was lying on the ground, while the other girl the car touched first was found inside a bush close to the road side, they were immediately rushed to the hospital... an I.D card found in one of the girls bag, indicated she is a 200 level philosophy student University of Benin.

As the time of puting this update together, it was disclosed to us that one of the girls who is a Student of the Philosophy department is Dead! She is named... ANWULIKA RITA HALIM.
The other girl who is her roomate, named EFE is responding to treatment and have been transferred to the Health Centre of the University of Benin.

Below is a pic of Rita... May her soul rest in peace... AMEN! Because of this unfortunate incident that happened, the entire student Uniben have decided to converge for a peaceful protest.
The protester was shouting;GOVERNMENT SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT ROAD! Students cannot and will not continue to lose their lives for nothing sake on that road.

If government says that the damn constitution states dat speed-breakers should not be put on a Federal highway, then they should find another way to address this issue (maybe building a walk-over or putting a traffic light, zebra crossing or something, the student said.

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