
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Nigerian News Presenter Wins Second BBC Komla Dumor Award

Didi Akinyelure
 A Nigerian journalist has won the second BBC World News Komla Dumor Award.
Didi Akinyelure is a prime-time news anchor in Nigeria and presents business news for CNBC, which is broadcasts all over the world.

The business news presenter will start a three-month placement at the London BBC in  September.

The award was established to honour Komla Dumor, a presenter for BBC World News, who died suddenly aged 41 in 2014.

In her comment, Miss Akinyelure said Mr. Dumor has been her role model before he died. She was quoted as Mr. Komle Dumor ‘was someone i admired’.

Report had it that “He told the African story with so much passion for the continent, giving a balanced view and inspiring so many.”

One of the judges who selected Ms Akinyelure, BBC Africa’s Josephine Hazeley, said Ms Akinyelure particularly excelled in telling business stories, “which was an area Komla was also passionate about”.
Nancy Kacungira
Nancy Kacungira, news anchor from Uganda won the first Komla Dumor Award in 2015.

Source: BBC


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